Wish in one hand/Shit in the other…

What does your dream LOOK like?

What Does Your Dream Look Like? Learning to take a Neuroselfie

This is what my dream looks like.

  • I want to write and speak and have someone else see who they could be by looking at themselves through my eyes.

  • I want to write a book called Critical Thinking for Neurosparklers to introduce the Four Bird Brain archetypes.

  • I want to create a Skool community called the Empire of Empathy where Neurosparklers can learn to give and receive feedback.

  • I want to create a course called Get to No University where we learn to use our Bird Brains for critical thinking and decision making.

  • I want to travel the same amount that we do now but I want to stop traveling TO work and start traveling to speak.

  • I want to stay home all summer and curate a comfort zone for hummingbirds.

But that’s none of that was what I meant when I said this is what my dream looks like. The picture before the words…That’s what I meant when I said this is what my dream looks like.

The words that followed that headline are all wishes I want to come true based on what I know to wish for at this moment.

What I knew to wish for at any given moment was exponentially smaller than what I actually experienced when my dreams really came true.

15 years ago this week, I picked a guy up on CraigsList. We had been talking about meeting (but not for a date) for a couple of weeks but neither of us made it a priority.

We had zero expectations when we met. I’ll tell that story another time. Within 10 days, we knew that we didn’t want it to end yet but if it did end that a new bar had been set and we would never accept less than this.

Our first non-date was for ice cream because that would be quick and public and break the ice. He wore the ugliest tie I had ever seen but when he smiled, I knew.

The ice cream ice breaker lasted three hours. He texted me on the way home and told me to stop thinking about kissing and focus on the road. Not sure how he knew.

Our second/first date started the next day and has lasted 15 years so far. No breaks. No break-ups. Very few nights apart.

Wish in one hand, shit in the other. See which one fills up first for you, brother.

Wish in One Hand by Blackberry Smoke (written by Charlie Starr)

The life I live now exceeds every single wish I could have ever made. The house, the cars, our toys, the marriage, the business, the lifestyle, all the stuff.

There is not a thing that I want in this moment that I don’t have.

If my life ended in this moment, then I will have died living my dream.

But living my dream in this moment does not mean that I don’t wish for more moments and more dreams to come true. It simply acknowledges that what I wish for now is based on what I can see from this particular place in space and time.

There are things I don’t yet know to wish for. There are wishes I currently have that future me would laugh at and younger me couldn’t comprehend even dreaming of.

So back to the title…

What my dream LOOKS like

If I could show you a Neuroselfie of what my dream looks like, it’s the image above. It’s me standing on a stage speaking to a crowd of people who need and chose to hear what I have to say. It’s a snapshot that is tattooed on my mind’s eye.

In my Neuroselfie, I see a picture of me on a TEDTalk stage and behind me is a slide with the cover of my book.

I hear myself as I say…“To Understand Neursparkle you must first understand Hummingbirds”…

I don’t know what comes after that in the script. I don’t know what would have happened to get me from photographing this hotel room in North Carolina to that stage. But I know what it looks like when I close my eyes and thanks to ChatGPT I can show you a picture of what that looks like in my mind.

What does YOUR dream look like?

Can you see it?

Can you describe what you imagine it would look like? Not what the completed checklist would have marked off but what would the moment look like when you say - That’s it!

Take that Neuroselfie so that when you see it in the future, you’ll recognize the moment!