Tom Petty was wrong…The STARTING is the hardest part!

Launching before I’m ready

Introducing Critical Thinking for Neurosparklers

It turns out that Tom Petty was wrong…I’m great at waiting.

At contemplating. At planning and thinking and overthinking. It’s the STARTING that’s the hardest part for me.

My dream of writing one book about one thing and talking about it for the rest of my life was born 30 years ago…it’s just taken me this long to figure out what my one “book” would be about. The answer was so obvious that I didn’t see it. My journey will be Critical Thinking for Neurosparklers as told through the eyes of a Hummingbird.

My aunt Rosalinda Alfaro-LeFevre's book "Critical Thinking, Clinical Reasoning, and Clinical Judgment: A Practical Approach" was published in 1995 and has gone through several editions, with the latest being the 7th edition, published in 2019. This book has been influential in nursing education, helping nurses develop essential critical thinking and clinical reasoning skills through practical approaches, real-life examples, and diverse learning activities. Every nurse I have ever met used this book during nursing school.

According to my friend Claude, “Critical thinking is the process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating information to reach an answer or conclusion.” (Citation - I asked Anthropic to define critical thinking and this is what I got)

My dream is that one day, my work will help you Embrace your Bird Brain and Ignite your Neurosparkle. Over time, I hope those words will make more sense.

But for now, it’s simply time to start.